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Planning Board Minutes 01/14/2009
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
January 14, 2009

Members Present:  Chairman Thomas Jameson, Richard DeBold, Joanna McIntosh, Stan Brehm, Richard Moore and Jamie A Pike, Secretary.

Richard Moore was sworn in as a voting member by Selectman Richard DeBold.

Public Hearing:  Zoning Amendment- Commercial Village

Mr. DeBold provided a brief overview of the Route 4 Corridor Study and explained benefits of increasing the area of the commercial village with respect to topography of the area.  The increased area will also increase the traffic calming effect of the area.

The Board discussed Section H and its removal.  It was noted that Section J is similar and contains much of the same language.  Section H as proposed would provide the granting of special uses to the ZBA.  Section J as written grants this authority to the Planning Board.

The consensus of the Board was to remove the proposed section H, and determined this is not a substantive change and a 2nd public hearing would not be required.

A motion was made to approve the Amendment as proposed with the removal of Section H.  Such motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. DeBold.  Motion passes.

Public Hearing:  Zoning Amendment ñ Noise Abatement

The first point of discussion was if the Noise Abatement Ordinance (NAO) should apply to the entire town or just the commercial areas.  There was concern of the occasional operation of such equipment as guns or chainsaws in the residential districts and the NAOís application thereto.  Mr. Millette spoke in favor of the application of the ordinance to the entire town.  Mr. DeBold expressed concern with the enforcement of the NAO on singular events that are not constant.  There was continued debate on the area of application.

Mr. Moore suggested applying the NAO only to Home Occupations within residential type zones.

There were also arguments brought forward concerning the curfew limits contained within the NAO.

A motion was made to approve the Amendment as proposed with the following changes:

  • Section 3: Remove the word ìuseî at the end of the last sentence.
  • Table:  Change ìAll other districtsî to ìHome Occupations (other districts)
  • Table:  Change dB(A) daytime limit for the CI/MF zone from 80 to 70.
Such motion was made by Ms. McIntosh and seconded by Mr. Moore.  Motion passes.

Other Business

The minutes of January 5th were reviewed and a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Ms. McIntosh to approve the minutes as written.   Motion passes.

Mr. Moore and Mr. Pike were appointed to the RTE28 Corridor Study Project Advisory Committee (PAC).
An e-mail will be sent out to the community to see if other are interested in joining the committee.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:05pm by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Ms. McIntosh.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Approved as corrected.

Jamie A Pike, Secretary